
This is the bit where I get to ramble on about the joy that is Willow + Tara.


The very beginning. This was a great W/T moment. Seeing Tara for the first time in wicca group and just knowing something was going to happen between them (and everybody said we were crazy). Tara is so gorgeous in this ep.

Willow: So how long have you been practicing?
Tara: Always. I mean, since I was little... My mom used to... she had a lot of power. Like you.
Willow: Oh, I'm not -- I don't have much in the way of power, really, I mean most of my potions come out... soup. Also spells going awry, friends in danger -- I'm definitely nothing special.
Tara: No, you are.


Willow's tentative late night visit to Tara's (gorgeous) dorm room after all of her nay-saying earlier in the day was so sweet with the whole mutual attraction just bursting off the screen.


Willow: Anyway, I know it's late, but I thought... I mean, if you still wanted to... do something.
Tara opens the door wider, invitingly. Willow smiles and enters. The door closes behind her.


Cool Monster Fighter

People seem to hate these outfits but I love them and the whole scene. Ok, I concede that Tara's outfit is only good from the waist up - what is with those hideous maroon pants? I mean, where did they even get them from? But, I love the top half! + Will looks so cute. Which is just what you need when you're hunting an evil slut-bomb, lol. You really need to watch this scene in slow motion to pick up all the ridiculously cute stealthy looks.

Willow: Thanks for coming with. Hunting for a psychopathic super-bitch is definitely in the above and beyond category.
Tara: It's okay. Really. So, um, what do we do if we find her?
Willow: Run. Flee. Maybe skedaddle. We're not here to engage. This is strictly recon.
Tara smiles, trying to hide how amused she is.
Willow: What?
Tara: You said recon. You're like, cool monster fighter.

The Body

Their first (onscreen) kiss. The Body isn't one of my favourite episodes but the interaction between the gals is lovely, even if we got comfort instead of passion.

Willow: We should get there.
Tara: Yes.
Willow: I wanna be there for Buffy.
Tara smiles reassuringly at her. Squeezes her hand.
Xander: You're right. Avengers got to get with the assembling.
As he speaks, Willow mouths soundlessly at Tara: "I love you".

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